Hadoop Intro

Understanding Hadoop

Hadoop - is a set of technologies.. used to store and process huge amounts of data..

Hadoop is not a database.. its an alternative file system with a processing library..

Libraries: MapReduce 1&2, Hive, Pig

RDBMS Limits: - Scalability - Speed - Queryability, sophisticated processing

Database Choices: - File systems -HDFS (Hadoop distributed file system)

  • Databases -NoSQL(key/value, columnstore, doc db(mongo db), etc)

    • RDBMS (MySql, Sql Server, Oracle)
  • When implementing Hadoop then Hadoop is an addition to your RDBMS..

Hadoop & HBase:

  • Hadoop uses alternative file system(HDFS)
  • HBase is a NoSQL database (wide columnstore)
    • wide columnstore = customerid having name. value attributes for customer related info.

CAP Theory: - Consistency - Transactions - Availability - Up-time - Partioning - Scalability

  • Hadoop fits in Scalability

    • commodity(old/bad) hardware for data storage
  • Flexibility (availability)

    • Commodity hardware for distributed processing

What kind of data for Hadoop?

  • LOB(line of business) - usually transactional and not a good fit..
  • Behavioral data

  • Hadoop is a suplement to the existing relational database.. its not a replacement for RDBMS ..

What is Hadoop? - 2 Components plus projects - Open source data storage: HDFS - Processing API: MapReduce - Other projects/libraries: HBase, Hive, Pig etc.

Hadoop Distributions - Apache Hadoop (Open Source) - Cloudera, MapR, Hortonworks(Commercial) - AWS, Windows Azure HDInsight (Cloud) - here aws uses open source hadoop

Why use Hadoop? - Cheaper (scales to petabytes or more) - Faster (parallel data processing) - Better (suited for particular types of ‘Big data’)

Hadoop Business Problems: (Use-cases) - Risk modeling - Customer churn analysis - Recommendation engine - Ad targeting - Transactional analysis - Threat analysis - Search quality

Hadoop users: FB, Yahoo, Amazon, eBay, American airlines, NYT, IBM

Hadoop Vs HBase: (Core & Core) - file system has larger files.. - each information will be in 3 times - HDFS by default is 64MB or 128MB (these r called chunks) - MapReduce is developed in Java.

HBase (Wide column): ID Data 1 Name=“Tamilan”, Location=“Chennai” 2 Name=“Maran”, Car=“Honda” 3 Location=“Blore”, Car=“Toyota”, Color=“CherryRed”

HBase/Hive are not part of Hadoop core..

Hadoop Developer Hadoop Administrator Hadoop Architect

Understanding JVM: - Hadoop processes run in separate JVMs - JVMs dont share state - JVM processes differ between Hadoop 1.0 and 2.0

Hadoop File Systems - HDFS (Hadoop distributed file system) - 2 modes of implementation - Distributed(3 copies) or pseudo-distributed(for testing - will be implemented in single node on single machine) - Regular file system - Regular file system (Hadoop can be run in rfs) - Standalone mode

Files and JVMS - Single node (for all hadoop processes) - Local file system - Single JVM

  • Pseudo-distributed
    • Uses HDFS
    • JVM daemons run processes

Core Libraries: - Map Reduce v2 / YARN - Yet Another Resource Negociator - HBase for wide column store - Hive to query HBase - Pig scripting for ETL - Mahout library - for machine learning and predictive analytics - Oozie - for workflow or coordination of jobs. - Zookeeper - for coordination of groups of jobs - Sqoop - for data exchange in between other systems (RDBMS like Sql server) - Flume - is a log collector - coz hadoop jobs produce a large amount of log info abt job process - Ambari - provisioning, managing and maintaining hadoop clusters

Commercial Distribution - Cloudera Hadoop:

Different versions of Cloudera: - Cloudera Enterprice - Cloudera Express - Cloudera Live (Live demo: http://demo.gethue.com/home )

Another verdor: hortonworks.com - have distributions for unix & windows

Another one: mapr.com

Cloudera Demo: - Hue is the interface for hadoop cluster in cloudera.. - Under query editor.. - Job Designer = MapReduce


Cloud hosted Hadoop: - Hadoop with AWS (Amazon EMR - Elastic mapreduce) (setup and configurations are different) - Hadoop with Azure (New > Data services > HDInight > Hadoop

  • Setting up hadoop is quite complecated..

Setting up Hadoop: - Hadoop binaries(apache hadoop) or vendor distribution - Hadoop version - Location (preferably the hadoop cluster on cloud) - Local install (free but takes a long time) - Local VM (must install virtualization software) - Cloud (costs money to test!)

Setting Up Hadoop Data Storage - Local - File system (single distribution) - HDFS (pseudo or distributed) - Cloud - Cloud files (S3, BLOG) - HDFS

Setting Up Hadoop Libraries - MapReduce - version 1.0 or 2.0 - Other libraries - Developer Tools

Cloudera Hadoop Virtual Machine - OS + virtualization software - Hadoop virtual machine for that type of VM - Cloudera tools and samples - Cloudera Hadoop VM is an enterprice edition for development. if we need to deploy then we need to pay the fee. - Install developer tools

Note: CDH5 and Cloudera Manager 5 - To enable Cloudera Manager we need 8GB ram and 2 virtual CPU cores

Hadoop Local install: - Download from apache.hadoop.com - extract and run the downloads.. - cd conf/ - vi core-site.xml - vi hdfs-site.xml - vi mapred-site.xml - vi hadoop-env.sh - cat masters - cat slaves - bin/hadoop namenode -format - bin/start-all.sh - jps

Hadoop architectural components: - HDFS - MapReduce

Demons: -NameNode - Storage - DataNode, - Storage - SecondaryNameNode, - Storage - Jps - JobTracker, - Processing - TaskTracker, - Processing

  • JobTracker, TaskTracker are responsible for running MapReduce tasks and jobs.

  • MapReduce programs are written in Java.

  • Hadoop allows to use other languages via streaming..

  • Hadoop sends the mapreduce jobs across the data nodes and the data analysis is done across the data nodes and the final results returned back to master node.

  • Namenode communicates with Datanodes

  • JobTracker communicates the job/process with TaskTracker

  • Computation(program) is processor bound.

Structured Unstructured (FB: vids, pics, texts, audio) Semi-structured (log files)

Big Data - definition is given by IBM

Adding Core Libraries:

  • HBase

    • Allows SQL like queries which generates MapReduce jobs
  • Hive

    • SQL-like query, create batch (MapReduce) jobs
  • Pig

    • ETL-like scripting language (for data manupulation like stripping, trimming, joining)
  • Impala

    • SQL-like query(in-memory querying), interactive process (no batch process)

Adding Other Libraries:

  • Mahout

    • Machine learning algorithms, predictive analytics, data mining
  • Spark

    • Resilient distributed data sets (in-memory streaming)
  • Storm

    • complex event processing (in-memory streaming)

MapReduce Programming Languages

  • Hadoop IDEs

    • Eclipse (Java)
    • Sublime (python)
    • RStudio (R Language)
  • Hadoop 2.0

    • JobTracker & TaskTracker are replaced by Yarn ResourceManager and Yarn Nodemanager

What is MapReduce? - Programming paradigm - Designed to solve one problem - Created by Google (purpose: how to index or get meaning out of all the information that is available on the internet. - Bringing computation to data location rather bringing data to compute. - Two parts (Map, Reduce)

The Map part of MapReduce: - Execute the Map() function on data. - Execute on each node. - Output pairs on each node

The Reduce part of MapReduce: - Execute the Reduce() function on data - Execute on some node - Aggregate sets of pairs on some nodes - Output a combined list

MapReduce 1.0 - Distributed, scalable, cheap - Storage HDFS - triple replicated Commodity hardware - Processing Parallel via Map(local) and Reduce(aggregated)

Codng Steps - Create a class - Create a static Map class - Create a static Reduce class - Create a main function - Create a job - Job calls the Map and Reduce classes

  • In MapReduce, its a single type of input in, run your mapper, get your key-value pairs out, run your reducer, get your combined list, and then go on to the next one.

Hello World for MapReduce - “Word count” - Takes some text as input - Produces a list of words and counts them

Key aspects of MapReduce - It’s an API, or set of libraries

Job - unit of MapReduce work / instance
Map task - runs on each node
Reduce task - runs on some nodes
Source data - HDFS or other location

MapReduce Deamons nad Service - JVMs or services - isolated processes (no state share) Job Tracker - one (controller and scheduler) Task Tracker - one per cluster (monitors tasks) - Job configurations Specify input/output locations for job instances Job clients submit jobs for execution

MapReduce Coding Patterns - Standard - usually written in Java - Hadoop Streaming - Java base Other language for mapper/reducer logic - Hadoop Pipes - uses C++

Running First MapReduce Job - Word count == “Hello World!” - IDEs and runners - Eclipse and Hadoop SDKs - File system or HDFS

MapReduce Job Output - Success - Series of text files - Immutable if stored on HDFS - Each run needs a new file name - Usually appends run time to file name for uniqueness

MapReduce Job Status and Logs - Monitoring job run status - Local websites to view logs - Logs - Troubleshooting failed job runs - Error logs

Exploring Cloudera distribution Hue user interface..

Ways to Run MapReduce Jobs: - Configure JobConf options - From the development environment (IDE) - From a GUI (Hue / HDInsight console) - From the command line hadoop jar filename.jar input output

Job Execution optimizations

Methods to write MapReduce Jobs - Standard - usually writte in Java - Streaming - Pipes - Abstraction libraries Hive, Pig, etc. (higher-level language)

Better MapReduce: Optimizations

- Optimize before the job runs
- Optimize onload of the data
- Optimize the map phase of the job
- Optimize the shuffle phase of the job
- Optimize the reduce phase of the job
- Optimize after the job completes


  • is useful for query like requirements.. like sum, average, coun etc..
  • is not much suitable for data cleansing(like parsing, stripping, processing etc)..

Hive Sql