Setting up Enlighten Site

Setting-up Enlighten Site



Statis site generator, written in Go language


AsciiDoc is a human-readable document format, using plain-text mark-up conventions. AsciiDoc documents can be created using any text editor and read "as-is". Asciidoctor is a fast text processor for converting AsciiDoc content to HTML5/PDF. Hugo supports Markdown and Asciidoc formats. It uses AsciiDoctor to render asciidoc, adoc, ad files via external helper facility.


Git is widely used repository in the world. Enlighten site is maintained in Git repo.

Text Editor

The preferred text editor is Visual Studio Code due to the popularity and flexibility. Extentions are supported for any special need.

Windows Setup

Mac Setup

We need a package manager to install Hugo and Asciidoctor in Mac. So we are going with HomeBrew

  • Install Homebrew - package manager with the below commend

    /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

  • Install Hugo and AsciiDoctor with the below brew commands

    brew install hugo
    brew install asciidoctor

  • Install Git on Mac with the below link

  • Install Visual Studio Code with the below link

You may verify the location of the installation by using which hugo command

Running the Site

Once the prerequisites are setup, we can pull the site from github and run it locally.

  • Command to pull the site source from github is :

  • Once we have the source code, enable write permission on the folder for the user.

  • You may open enlighten folder in Visual Studio Code and update the content under /content/docs/ folder.

  • Now we can locally run the site. Goto enlighten folder and run the below command

    • hugo server

  • Finally browse the site at http://localhost:1313/enlighten/docs/