Technology Trends

Technology Trends

I am very passionate about building web & mobile apps. I have list down some of technologies I have cross-across the path.

Building mobile apps

Building mobile apps becoming super easier nowadays.. There are native way of developing apps and there are hybrid way of developing the apps. Below list heads-up the area.

Build Native Apps
Build Hybrid Apps
  • Ionic (HTML, CSS, Javascript) - Cross platform

Building Web Apps

There are a lot and lot of frameworks / technologies have come in the field of developing web applications. I will list down few which I have come across.

  • React - Very popular

  • Angualar - Popular

  • Vue - Getting popularity in recent times

Other frameowrks to mention
Databases to use

Building Desktop Apps

There are traditional way of building desktop apps with .Net, Java and with Objective C. However the modern way is building cross-platform desktop apps that runs in Windows, Linux and Mac

Cross platform desktop app